Information pursuant to Article 10 of the LSSI

The owner of this website is:


NIF: B64986482

Address: C/ de Cuba, nº 21. (08302 – Mataró, Barcelona)

Tel.: 937908677


Terms of use

The use of this website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal notice. Any potential conflicts relating to this website shall be governed exclusively by the law of the Spanish State. Any user of the website, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from which access is made, accepts compliance with and respect for these clauses, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them.

Intellectual and industrial property

The entire content of this website, whether text, images, sounds, brands, logos or other elements, as well as the substructure, design, colour combinations or presentation of the materials, are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights that the user of this website must respect. Its transformation or alteration, public communication or any other form of exploitation by any means is not lawful without the express authorisation of STUDI MES 2 DISSENY D’INTERIORS, S.L

Responsibility for content

Although STUDI MES 2 DISSENY D’INTERIORS, S.L acts with the utmost diligence possible, it may be the case that some data or information is not completely up to date at the time the user of the website consults it. Therefore, the information presented on this website has a guiding function and does not oblige STUDI MES 2 DISSENY D’INTERIORS, S.L

STUDI MES 2 DISSENY D’INTERIORS, S.L will not be responsible for the information that may be obtained through links included on its website.

STUDI MES 2 DISSENY D’INTERIORS, S.L reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications or updates to the information and any of the elements that make up the design and configuration of the website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:

The use of this website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal policy. Any potential conflicts relating to this website shall be governed exclusively by Spanish law, and the Spanish Courts and Tribunals shall be competent to hear any issues arising in connection therewith. By accepting this website, the user expressly waives any jurisdiction that may apply to him/her under the current Civil Procedure Law.

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